
Haunted House

the house sat off-putting

surrounded on both sides

by mediocre and discolored homes

where the wood of the fences

and doors were chipping

where the windows were a little dusty

where spiderwebs hung at the corners

where inside the houses

stood otherworldly figures

hiding from light

Look Past The Scream

we are not as bad

as we seem

just look past the scream

it might hurt at first

that’s part of the scheme

just close your eyes as

we drain out your bloodstream

and hold still while we sever

your bones and your brain

your fresh little fingers

your toenails and your teeth

you won’t need these anymore

let us have all the gore







Repost: Haunted House

The house on road Niapfo stood sad and lonely.

No neighbors, no trees, no souls.

It was very seldom when someone passed by, but when they did, chills ran down their spine.

How could it be that on such a bright and sunny day, a house could look so gloomy?

And the house kept a cold breeze up its sleeve only unleashing it at the sight of a passerby.

And when it poured, the house stood so still and quiet as if listening to each drop of water come in contact with the asphalt.

And nowhere else in town did it rain so hard than on road Niapfo.

The houses on Taverly Avenue never saw such a rain, neither did the houses on Glenn Rd.

The slightest of wind would cause the windows and doors to abruptly open and close.

But sometimes, when it rained, the house was not all that quiet.

If you listened closely, you could hear the sound of a piano softly playing.

But that was not all.
After the piano, came the violin, and after the violin, came the flute.

After the flute, joined the trumpet, and after the trumpet, it went all quiet.

And all you could hear is the rain.

So sad and lonely was the house on road Niapfo.

That’s what every passerby thought.

Little did they know that this house was very much alive.

Little did they know this how was distraught.


Cinderella and Prince Charming

Can you really believe someone has asked me out?

I never imagined this moment would come so soon.

Why, I’m only sixteen.

Really, it’s the sweetest thing.

And I thought I would be forever alone, grasping my pillow under the moonlight, screaming my sorrows away.

Yes, this pillow was the only thing in the world comforting me both physically and mentally, housing my most intimate secrets.

That is no longer the case!

Someone has asked me out and I won’t be late.

How, I twirl under the sun.

I button my pink dress that hugs me so tightly.

I dance in my room as it transforms into a ball room.

I put on that bloody red lipstick.

Red lips have never looked so good on a girl.

Hair so long adorned with the yellowest of bows.

I paint those little toes and put on those glass slippers, for today I am Cinderella.

I hope my attire is appropriate, surely he would love it.

Finally I’m here, right in front of my lover.

How long I have waited for this very moment.

His dark eyes so alluring.

They caress my soul.

His fingers so cute and long.

His figure slim and muscular.

His claws so seductive.

His tail so intriguing.

Those fangs can nibble on my soft skin forever and ever.

He is the devil, and the devil loves me! Forever and ever!





Kill Them

Yes, let me cut them!

How I wish to stab them!

Tear them to pieces!

No, don’t hide them!

No, don’t bury them!

annihilate them!

Good riddance!

Burn them!

Kill them!

Those little lies you tell me

Yes, I’ll kill them!

You disgusting liar.

I’ll send them to the grave!

I’ll send you to the grave!



The Boogeyman

he stands over you with a smirk and like a tower.

slender, smooth-spoken, his compliments pour over you like a sweet shower.

“come beautiful thing,” he whispers and then it all turns sour.

and you begin to shrink in a corner before his scorching power.

so fast you squeal and scream. a small pathetic coward.


Lab Rat

Today I lie on a big white bed.

Staring long at three peculiar heads.

How am I still alive and not dead?

Look at my body! I haven’t even bled!

They examine me, many words unsaid.

All they do is nod their stupid big heads.

How strange the way these aliens tread.

Can’t let me go despite all I’ve plead.

Hours long I lie on this ugly test bed.

How I wish they could just drop dead.

Stop probing me you evil eggheads.

Now it’s too late, for I’ve been misread.

So they stand over me with a cold spearhead.

And tomorrow I’ll probably be truly dead.


Tye is real sweet and shy

won’t even hurt a fly

but one day a boy named Ry

told her a lie that made her cry

now nobody knows where his body lies

but I think it has nothing to do

with that girl named Tye

for she is so sweet

won’t even hurt a fly




We live in the poorest side of the city.

Poor and ugly.

The forgotten people.

I can’t remember the last time I found a smile here.

I’m not the least surprised though.

We are hungry all the time.

Food is all we can think about.

Things can get really ugly here–uglier than it already is.

We fight amongst ourselves for the little scraps we can find.

At least we have that–their leftovers.


My mother brings me a rotten potato adorned with fresh maggots.

My mother is an excellent scavenger but today she was extra lucky.

To me, this is a feast.

I typically only get maggots.

We are skinny fellows.

Friendly fellows.

But if we don’t get even the smallest bite to eat, we become

nasty fellows.

I remember once I gashed a man, for he stole my precious moldy piece of bread that took me long to find.

I clawed his eyes out and slit his throat.

Mother said to never let anyone pull that kind of shit on me.

Mothers know best.